Although it was a long time in the making, but the wait is well worth it. Many of you have asked about this side bumper signal lights for quite a while now and we always give you the answer that it will be coming very soon...... Finally, it has arrived! The 99-04 Chrysler 300M Side Bumper Signal Lights prefects the 300M with the finishing touches it needs. Furthermore, we offer the bumper signal lights in Black and Chrome, which makes it easy for you to match them with either the headlights you currently have, or the color of your car. In January of 2010, this product will become available for you to purchase. It's only days now until we can turn on the purchase button and please remember to visit our website when the time comes!!!
Racer Development offers a wide range of Headlights and Tail lights for your need, visit our website for all the accessories you need for your Chrysler and the cars of your love ones.