RETURN TO RACERDEVELOPMENT HOME PAGEWithin the past week, I have recently discovered that a colleague of mine owns and drives an
Audi R8. I’ve only seen 3 of these in my life (in person) and personally, I’m just thinking “I wish I drove one of these.” Honestly though, are these $50,000+ sports vehicles worth every penny? Or is it in reality, possible to make a cheaper car, like my Civic Si Sedan for example, to potentially match up with the high priced cars for an even cheaper price?

Nowadays (in my opinion), there are 4 types of people in driving cars; people who mod their car themselves and race it, people who mod their car just for looks (ricers), people who buy expensive cars to either race or just show off, and those who just drive to get from point A to point B. In this stated case though, I believe that the Civic Si could easily reach the level of the R8 for a lower price range.
Given the budget of around $80,000 of modifications, you could basically change out the whole Si and pretty much only keep the body. In the end of the day, it will still be a Civic Si, but at the same time it won’t. Currently, the ROTM (ride of the month) winner on the 8thgencivic forum, has completely remodeled his Civic Si into a Civic Type-R, but better. He is currently
pushing 421whp, 270wtq, @ 9.8psi while an R8 has 420 bhp and a peak torque of 430 Newton-metres from 4300-6000rpm. Given the amount of money put into this vehicle (I’m not sure on the exact price, but it should be under $50,000), this guy has managed to completely
reinvent his Civic Si. It started off as a cheap ride, and turned out to be an expensive sports car that can stand up to those in the high 5-figures or even the 6-figures.

Basically, everything comes down to the driver themselves. While some people, like me, would prefer buying a cheaper car and building it up myself, others may prefer to just start and end big. Everybody has their own opinion towards this situation. In the end of the day, no matter what the car is, as long as the owner is happy with it, then that’s their pride and gold.