Monday, June 21, 2010

Louder is Better!


In our current generation, all cars come with a
muffler or tailpipe (with the exception of the new Nissan Leaf). What is a muffler? A muffler is attached to the end of an exhaust pipe and is the last part of the emissions system. A muffler is made of metal and tends to sit beneath the rear bumper on the right hand side of most cars.

Typically, a car will come stock with a relatively quiet muffler (with the exception of sports cars); the reason being that the general public would like a quieter and smoother ride. People have the option of changing just the muffler or even the whole exhaust system though. Generally, most people change their muffler to make their car faster, louder, look better, or even raise gas mileage. In some cases it may do all 4, but most of the time just a few of the four.

Mufflers are pretty much a beneficial factor in every way to a vehicle (except those who want everything to be silent). With hundreds of custom mufflers out there, they could even be used just for an enhanced image. All in all, no matter what the case, buckle up and drive safe!

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks man!! you are so good. I think this the perfect work.

