Monday, June 28, 2010

How to short shifters benefit?


What is a short shifter? A short shifter also known as a short throw shifter is the result of an automotive aftermarket modification of the manual transmissions’ stick shift either by medication of the existing stick shift or, alternately, by the replacement of the entire part. The purpose of this modification is to reduce time between the changing of gears while accelerating or decelerating, thus improving the automobiles’ performance.

The modification of a stick shift is done in two ways, either by physically shortening the existing stick shift and/or bending. A short shifter basically does what its name implies; it makes shifting distances between each gear shorter. This allows for faster shifting times between each gear.

Although a short shifter may seem like the perfect thing for a stick shift car, it also requires a lot of skill to handle. Instead of driving like a normal stick shift, a short shifter requires more attention since a simple mistake could be made much easier. For example, the gears are a lot closer so shifting at a slightly wrong angle might make you jump from gears 2-5 instead of gears 2-3. If this happens, it would drastically damage your engine and transmission.

Short shifters really are a great thing. They just require more skill, practice or focus, if not all three.

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