Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stickers, Stickers, Stickers!


Who likes random stickers on their car?! Stickers are one of the best ways of customization to a car, plus the cheapest. Though, sometimes too many stickers may give off the wrong image. For example, when I see a car with a LOT of stickers, it gives me the impression that they are something I call a ricer. I personally look down on ricers and just laugh at them, since they honestly are good for practically nothing. No offense to any of you out there that fit this description. A ricer is basically someone who mods their car with a bunch of worthless stuff only for the looks. Along with this, every ricer I’ve seen does not know how to drive their car very well, which is another reason why I look down on them.

Putting stickers on a car doesn’t automatically make you a ricer though. A few stickers, or even just random stickers (not brand name stickers such as AEM or sparco) could just identify personality. For example, I have a Pedobear sticker on my car (I’m not a pedophile, I just like the character) because my friends always joke about how I’m a pedophile just because I’m the only 18 year-old in my group. There are also other stickers like “NOTW” stickers for example. They pretty much just show a sense of personality and character in the owner of the vehicle. It makes a vehicle unique and personalized.So basically, go get some stickers on your car! Just follow what you enjoy best whether it be to be a ricer, or just show some personality. There is practically a sticker for everything you could possibly want!
Note: Some people believe that stickers add horsepower. That is completely false.

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